Quick Start Guide

Walk through the process of creating a Copilot, adding Capabilities to it, integrating it into an app, and then finally editing a Capability.

In this section, we will go through creating a Copilot and integrating that into a sample application.

The sample application will demonstrate how to build a ChatGPT-like application using Dynamic mode and also include a few simple Capabilities that can be explicitly invoked via Static mode.

1. Signup to Magic Studio

  • Click the "Sign Up" tab and enter a valid email and password.

    • If you have already created an account, use the "Sign In" tab instead.

Use the "Login with Google" option for a faster signup process.

2. Give your Organization's Name

Accept the default suggested name.

3. Create a Copilot

Click on the "Create Copilot" button. This will trigger the Copilot creation wizard.

4. Describe the high-level objective of the Copilot

In this step, you should give some details of the app and its high-level use cases. You can either enter the details manually or let Magic Studio automatically generate it by providing either a home page or Google PlayStore or Apple AppStore URL

For now, let's do this manually to suit the needs of our demo application.

Copy the following details as is from the table below.

Click on "Next" once you have entered the above details.

5. Create the Capabilities

At any point in the flow, you can go back all the way to the end and cancel the Copilot Creation. Studio will automatically save a draft copy and you can resume the creation process anytime in the future.

The next step is to create the Capabilities for the Copilot. A Capability represents a specific task that the Copilot needs to handle.

By default, Magic Studio will create one or two default Capabilities.

For this exercise, we will create one additional Capability called "Digi Yatra FAQ Handler"

Fill in the details as shown below in the two text

Click on "Generate" button

Magic Studio will now add a new Capability called "Digi Yatra FAQ Handler".

Click on the "Review" button to move to the next step.

Click on the "Build Copilot" button to move to the step that creates the final Copilot

Warning! This step will take almost 5-10 minutes and so ensure that you are sitting far away from a coffee machine, so that you can walk to it slowly and make a relaxed coffee, while we are working hard on your behalf 😁

Once everything completes, you will

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