
Modifier and Type Class and Description static class SlangBuddy.Environment

This enum represents the different environments in which a Slang buddy can operate. static class SlangBuddy.InitializationError

This error is thrown when the Slang platform fails to initialize a buddy successfully. static class SlangBuddy.InsufficientPrivilegeException

This exception is thrown by the Slang platform when an application attempts to perform actions for which it does not have sufficient privileges. static class SlangBuddy.InvalidIntentException

This exception is raised when applications attempt to perform actions on intents that are not valid. static interface SlangBuddy.Listener

This interface is expected to be implemented by applications that are interested in listening to the state of the Slang buddy, including if initialization succeeded, or failed and for what reason. static class SlangBuddy.UninitializedUsageException

This exception is raised when applications call SlangBuddy methods before the buddy is initialized successfully.

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