
Modifier and Type Method and Description SlangBuddyOptions build()

Constructs a SlangBuddyOptions object from the current builder SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setAPIKey(String apiKey)

Sets the API key of the account, as configured in the Slang Console. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setAppProperties(SlangAppProperties appProperties)

Sets the app properties for the app. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setAutomaticHelpDisplayThreshold(int threshold)

Sets the number of failed user utterances after which the Slang platform will automatically display a help message. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setBuddyId(String buddyId)

Sets the ID of the buddy, as configured in the Slang Console. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setContext(Context context)

Sets the Android application context. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setDefaultLocale(Locale locale)

Sets the default locale in which Slang will be available to the user in the application. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setEnvironment(SlangBuddy.Environment env)

Sets the environment in which the given buddy is expected to operate. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setIntentAction(SlangIntentAction action)

Sets the SlangIntentAction to be called by the Slang platform whenever it resolves an intent from a user utterance. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setListener(SlangBuddy.Listener listener)

Sets a listener that listens to state changes in the SlangBuddy SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setRequestedLocales(Set<Locale> locales)

Specifies the set of locales in which Slang will be available to the user in the application. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setStartActivity(Activity activity)

Sets the initial activity on which to place the default Slang UI. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setUIProvider(SlangUIProvider uiProvider)

Sets a custom UI provider. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setUserProperties(SlangUserProperties userProperties)

Sets the user properties for the current user. SlangBuddyOptions.Builder setUtteranceAction(SlangUtteranceAction utteranceAction)

Sets the SlangUtteranceAction to be called by the Slang platform for processing user utterances.

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